February 13, 1:00 P.M.
The City continues to work to limit the impact of winter weather on residents and ensure access to critical services, please review the list of departments below for information on operations modifications.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: Seattle Department of Transportation: SDOT crews continue to work back to back 12-hour shifts to clear major streets and keep transit moving. SDOT is focusing on working with Seattle Public Schools to clear routes around schools today. Schools will be assessed based on buses ability to enter and exit the school facility. The schools that have been identified by SPS as needing the most attention are: Eagle Staff, Sacajawea, View Ridge, Wedgwood, Thornton Creek and Decatur. In anticipation of a possible freeze tonight and high ice concerns, SDOT is emphasizing pre-treatment on all Gold and Emerald routes. Street closure crews will continue to address streets that have been closed due to hazardous conditions. Calls for downed trees has slowed and SDOT tree crews were focused on 9-10 locations last night. City Light is reporting 28 outages affecting 66 customers. Check out the City’s Winter Weather Response Map to locate SDOT’s snow and ice routes. And be sure to take a peek at the interactive Winter Weather Snow and Ice Service Map to monitor treatment status of snow routes and lanes.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle has opened more than 550 emergency shelter beds during the snowstorms this month. The City will continue to operate the Severe Weather Shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall and the Armory warming center through Monday, February 18. 210 people stayed at the shelter overnight on Tuesday, February 12th. HSD and Mary’s Place partnered to open a downtown emergency shelter for families which will remain open through the storms this week. Please call the King County Coordinated Family Intake Line at 206-245-1026 for access or drop in at 312 Dexter Ave N. This space is open for 24 hours per day and served 32 people overnight Tuesday. Staff members are working with these families to transition them to longer term shelter locations and connect them to services. Seattle Parks and Recreation and HSD opened a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children and others at Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry St) that will operate through the morning of Monday, February 18, 118 individuals stayed at the Garfield Community Center Tuesday evening. This space is open 24 hours a day. Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave N) was also opened by Seattle Parks and HSD last night as an additional emergency overnight shelter for families with children and anyone living unsheltered in the north end of Seattle, 42 individuals stayed overnight last night. This emergency shelter will be open through the morning of Monday, February 18. Seattle’s City Hall upper shelter (600 4th Ave) hosted 55 people on Tuesday, February 12. King County’s Department of Community and Human Services served 99 people last night at the King County Administration Building (500 4th Ave) and the Day Center at 4th and Jefferson downtown. Both facilities are open all day to act as warming centers. Further, HSD and Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) opened up the lobby of Ernestine Anderson Place (2010 S Jackson St) Monday night to accommodate additional overflow from emergency shelters, with 11 individuals staying over Tuesday night. This resource will remain open 24 hours a day through Monday, February 18. The Navigation Team was out overnight checking on people living unsheltered and helped 11 people travel to shelter last night and made 40 contacts. They also distributed gloves, hats, socks, and food to those not wanting to come inside. HSD and King County have been coordinating medical care to overnight emergency shelters and are working with service providers to develop exit plans for people staying in these spaces. Plans include assessing individuals for housing placements, matching people with other service needs, and potentially utilizing short-term motel resources to provide additional time to connect individuals with housing options. In addition, HSD staff continue to check in with about 200 high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients to ensure their safety. These individuals are unable to care for themselves and rely on HSD’s network to meet their daily needs.
Seattle Center: Seattle Center Armory is open today until 9 p.m. Seattle Center Monorail will operate until 8 p.m. MoPOP and Pacific Science Center are open until 5 p.m. Seattle Children’s Theatre has canceled school show performances for today.
Customer Service Centers: Customer service centers have resumed normal hours. Visit http://www.seattle.gov/customer-service-centers for information about hours, locations and available services.
Seattle Animal Shelter: Due to challenging road conditions, animal control officers are prioritizing their response. We are receiving calls about animals kept outdoors with inadequate shelter, food and water. These cold-weather conditions can be life-threatening, even for animals who are used to being outside. Seattle Animal Shelter recommends animals be kept inside. When that is not possible, animals need:
- Extra bedding such as a thick layer of fresh straw or other material to help them maintain body heat.
- Elevated housing on a porch, in a garage or otherwise off the wet ground as the snow melts and water pools in yards.
- Housing that protects from the wind and rain.
- Fresh, unfrozen water checked frequently.
Seattle Public Libraries: Seattle Public Libraries are operating on their regular schedule, please visit www.spl.org for operating hours at your nearby branch. Book holds and due dates have been extended to Feb 19.
Seattle Public Utilities: Collecting garbage from Monday customers whose waste was not picked up the last two Mondays is the priority. Solid waste crews plan to collect garbage from Monday and Tuesday customers today, February 13th. Crews also plan to collect recycling from Monday customers in Northwest and Southwest Seattle. Customers missed last week may put out additional waste at no additional charge. There is also the opportunity for free garbage dropoff at Seattle Transfer Stations today through February 16th. Customers who can safely bring solid waste to the Seattle Transfer Stations are advised to separate materials and cover the load. There is a limit of one truck or carload, per household, up to 420 lbs of combined garbage/recycling/compost.
Seattle City Light: As of noon, Seattle City Light is responding to 27 active power outages affecting 43 customers across the utility’s service area. If customers see a downed power line, they should call 206-684-3000 to report it. Call 911 if the downed line is smoking and/or sparking. Like others, our crews are dealing with slushy road conditions; please be patient as our crews safely get to everyone. Here’s how the utility prioritizes power restoration: 1️- Life Safety, 2️- Emergency Services, and 3️- Customers and Residents. Customers that are experiencing an outage may report it at 206-684-3000. For those that don’t have heat due to an outage, read how to stay safe and warm here. Track system outages with City Light’s System Status map: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/. Estimated times of restoration are difficult to keep updated during a storm response of this magnitude. If your outage is lacking an updated estimate, check the map again in 30 minutes. Crews will provide a new estimated time of restoration as soon as possible. City Light crews won’t stop working until everyone in the service area has power. If your power is out, be assured that help is on the way! Follow Seattle City Light on Twitter for outage tips and updates: @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Seattle Parks and Recreation programs and school-age programs are canceled. Most community centers and pools are open for drop-in use. Click here for hours. The Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry St.) and Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave. N.) are both open as severe weather shelters. Both shelters are operating 24 hours a day through the morning of Monday, February 18. Parks are open; however, we encourage visitors to use caution. Snow and ice can cause tree branches to snap. Please stay out from under trees and avoid forested park areas during the current weather conditions.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods: The Seattle Youth Commission meeting at 4:30 p.m. is canceled.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools are closed today. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Fire Department: No current impacts to services provided to the public. All SFD apparatus are operating with chains on tires.
Seattle Municipal Courts: Seattle Municipal Court is on a two-hour delay today, Wednesday, February 13, 2019. Court operations for the public began at 10 a.m., except the in-custody arraignment calendar in King County Jail Courtroom 2 began on time at 8 a.m. Jurors should plan to report by 10 a.m. Jurors who are not able to report should notify the Jury Coordinator at (206) 684-5688.
General Winter Weather Tips for Residents:
- If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready: gloves/mittens; hats; heavy coats; sweaters; long underwear; heavy socks.
- Have non-perishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.
- If you are concerned about an individual living unsheltered, or in need, call 2-1-1 a resource line that can help connect an individual to resources. When the 2-1-1 line isn’t open, the 24-hour Crisis Line 866-427-4747 can provide information that the City provides on warming shelters, similar to how they do for sheltering information for people experiencing homelessness. If it is an emergency, contact Seattle Police by calling 9-1-1. SPD has transport vans to take people to warming centers and shelters.
- If you see a downed power line, please keep a safe distance (at least 20 feet) and report it to (206) 684-3000. If it appears to be sparking or smoking, call 911. Thanks for your help in spreading the word. Learn more here: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/whenpowerout.asp.
- Never use a grill, charcoal, or generator indoors, in garages, or in carports. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly.
February 12, 12:30 P.M.
The City continues to work to limit the impact of winter weather on residents and ensure access to critical services. The City is closely monitoring National Weather Service forecasts as the current storm continues with steady precipitation through mid-day, turning showery through Wednesday, and cold temperatures allow for refreeze during the overnight hours, potentially creating icy/hazardous conditions.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: SDOT crews continue to work back to back 12-hour shifts to clear major streets and keep transit moving. SDOT currently has 36 snow and ice fighting trucks pushing slush to curbs and clearing bus stops. Winter response crews continue to prioritize keeping Gold and Emerald routes clear and responding to trouble spots. In addition, two SDOT tree crews and contractor tree crews are on duty and responding to calls for downed trees and branches. SDOT is expecting tree-related calls to continue over the next 24 hours. Several calls were received overnight for trees on major arterials such as California Ave SW and Admiral Way SW, which were cleared. SDOT assisted Metro overnight to clear dozens of stuck coaches and is actively sending response crews as needed to keep buses moving. Street closure inspection and reporting teams are also on a 12-hour shift and continue checking the status of street closure signs. SDOT has dispatched crews to move snow from drains in several locations in coordination with SPU. SDOT pedestrian crews are clearing sidewalks on bridges and curb ramps, concentrating on the central business districts and other transportation hubs. SDOT will transition crews to address streets near schools later in the day. Check out the City’s Winter Weather Response Map to locate SDOT’s snow and ice routes. And be sure to take a peek at the interactive Winter Weather Snow and Ice Service Map to monitor treatment status of snow routes and lanes.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle has opened more than 550 emergency shelter beds during the snowstorms this month. The City will continue to operate the Severe Weather Shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall and the Armory warming center through Monday, February 18. 229 people stayed at the shelter overnight on Monday, February 11th. HSD and Mary’s Place partnered to open a downtown emergency shelter for families which will remain open through the storms this week. Please call the King County Coordinated Family Intake Line at 206-245-1026 for access or drop in at 312 Dexter Ave N. This space is open for 24 hours per day and served 20 people overnight Monday. Seattle Parks and Recreation and HSD opened a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children and others at Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry St) that will operate through the morning of Monday, February 18, 116 individuals stayed at the Garfield Community Center Monday evening. This space is open 24 hours a day. Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave N) was also opened by Seattle Parks and HSD last night as an additional emergency overnight shelter for families with children and anyone living unsheltered in the north end of Seattle, 23 individuals stayed overnight last night. This emergency shelter will be open through the morning of Monday, February 18. Seattle’s City Hall upper shelter (600 4th Ave) hosted 59 people on Monday, February 11. King County’s Department of Community and Human Services served 100 people last night at the King County Administration Building (500 4th Ave) and the Day Center at 4th and Jefferson downtown. Both facilities are open all day to act as warming centers. Further, HSD and Low Income Housing Institute opened up the lobby of Ernestine Anderson Place (2010 S Jackson St) last night to accommodate additional overflow from emergency shelters, with 11 individuals staying over Monday night. This resource will remain open 24 hours a day through Monday, February 18. The Navigation Team was out overnight checking on people living unsheltered and helped over 24 people travel to shelter last night and made 229 contacts. They also distributed gloves, hats, socks, and food to those not wanting to come inside. HSD has been coordinating medical care to overnight emergency shelters and is working with service providers to develop exit plans for people staying in these spaces. Plans include assessing individuals for housing placements, matching people with other service needs, and potentially utilizing short-term motel resources to provide additional time to connect individuals with housing options. In addition, HSD staff continue to check in with about 200 high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients to ensure their safety. These individuals are unable to care for themselves and rely on HSD’s network to meet their daily needs.
Seattle Center: Seattle Center Armory is open today until 9pm. Seattle Center Monorail will operate until 8pm, weather permitting. Seattle Children’s Theatre has canceled drama classes for the day. MoPOP will be open 12 noon to 5pm. Pacific Science Center is open until 5pm today, however, it has canceled Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center classes, and Science in the City has been rescheduled for April 2.
Customer Service Centers: All customer service centers are open today. The Lake City location will close for lunch from 1-2 p.m., and the University location will close for lunch from 2-3 p.m. The Southwest Customer Service Center will close early at 2 p.m.
Seattle Animal Shelter: Due to challenging road conditions, animal control officers are prioritizing their response to high-level calls. Common calls they receive are about animals kept outdoors with inadequate shelter, food and water. These cold-weather conditions can be life-threatening, even for animals who are used to being outside, if they don’t have access to dry shelter and potable, unfrozen water at all times. In these extreme temperature s and conditions, the Seattle Animal Shelter recommends animals be kept inside. When that is not possible, at a minimum animals will need:
- Extra bedding such as a thick layer of fresh straw or other material to help them maintain body heat.
- Elevated housing on a porch, in a garage or otherwise off the wet ground as the snow melts and water pools in yards.
- Housing that protects from the wind and rain.
- Fresh, unfrozen water checked frequently.
Seattle Public Libraries: Seattle Public Libraries are operating on the following modified schedule:
- The following locations will be open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Central Library
- The following locations will be open noon to 6 p.m.: Ballard, Beacon Hill, Broadview, Capitol Hill, Columbia, Douglass-Truth, Greenwood, Lake City, Northeast, Northgate, Rainier Beach, Southwest, West Seattle
- The following locations will be open 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.: Delridge, Green Lake, High Point, International District/Chinatown, Magnolia, Montlake, NewHolly, Queen Anne, South Park, Wallingford
- The following branches will remain closed all day: Fremont, Madrona-Sally Goldmark, and University
- Book drops are open at most locations however we will extend due dates and holds until Feb 19.
Please visit www.spl.org for operating hours at your nearby branch, as hours may change based on conditions.
Seattle Public Utilities: Crews running multi-family and commercial trucks will pick up accessible garbage, recycling, and yard & food waste. Because of continued snow and ice on residential streets, crews are unable to collect garbage, recycling and food/yard waste today from our Monday customers. Our Monday customers are now our priority for pickup so if conditions allow, their waste will be picked up tomorrow. Customers can set out additional bags free of charge. Tuesday through Friday customers will be collected on a delayed schedule and services will be extended through the weekend. The city will allow free disposal of residents’ garbage, recycling or food/yard waste at City stations February 13-16th for any residential customers whose collections have been delayed more than a week. For more information, please visit: https://atyourservice.seattle.gov/2019/02/06/solid-waste-collection-resumes-feb-6/.
Seattle City Light: As of 12:00 p.m., Seattle City Light is responding to 143 active power outages affecting 4,899 people across the utility’s service area. The snow/rain mix of last night and this morning is washing snowfall off burdened tree limbs, causing service interruptions as the vegetation springs back up into power lines. City Light is dealing with numerous small, localized outages related to this weather phenomena. If customers see a downed power line, they should call 206-684-3000 to report it. Call 911 if the downed line is smoking and/or sparking. Due to the snowy, slushy road conditions, City Light crews aren’t able to respond as quickly as usual. Please be patient as our crews get to everyone. Here’s how the utility prioritizes power restoration: 1️- Life Safety, 2️- Emergency Services, and 3️- Customers and Residents. Customers that are experiencing an outage may report it at 206.684.300. For those that don’t have heat due to an outage, read how to stay safe and warm here. Track system outages with City Light’s System Status map: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/. Estimated times of restoration are difficult to keep updated during a storm response of this magnitude. If your outage is lacking an updated estimate, check the map again in 30 minutes. Crews will provide a new estimated time of restoration as soon as possible. City Light crews won’t stop working until everyone in the service area has power. If your power is out, be assured that help is on the way! Follow Seattle City Light on Twitter for outage tips and updates: @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Seattle Parks and Recreation programs and school-age programs are canceled. Most community centers and pools are open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for drop-in use. Click here for details. The Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry St.) and Bitter Lake Community Center (13035 Linden Ave. N.) are both open as severe weather shelters. Both shelters are operating 24 hours a day through the morning of Monday, February 18. Parks are open; however, we encourage visitors to use caution. Snow and ice can cause tree branches to snap. Please stay out from under trees and avoid forested park areas during the current weather conditions.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods: The City of Seattle/University of Washington Committee Advisory Committee (CUCAC) scheduled for 6:30 p.m. is canceled. The International Special Review District Committee meeting scheduled for 4:30 p.m. has been canceled.
Office of Economic Development and Office of Film + Music and Special Events: There are no walk-in appointments available today.
Office of Housing: The Community Preference Discussion (Housing Preferences for Inclusive Communities) scheduled for Wednesday, February 13, 2019, at the Centilia Cultural Community Center, located at 1660 S Roberto Maestas Festival Street, from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. is cancelled. The meeting will be rescheduled. Details of the date, time and location of the rescheduled meeting will be emailed to those on the meeting RSVP list and on Facebook and Twitter.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools are closed today. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Fire Department: No current impacts to services provided to the public. All SFD apparatus are operating with chains on tires.
Seattle Municipal Courts: Seattle Municipal Court will be closed to the public today. They are planning to hold as scheduled the in-custody arraignment calendar in King County Jail Courtroom 2. Jurors should not report today and plan to report tomorrow, Wednesday, February 13, 2019, at 8:30 a.m. Jurors who are not able to report tomorrow should notify the Jury Coordinator at (206) 684-5688.
City Council: The City Council has canceled all committee meetings.
General Winter Weather Tips for Residents:
- If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready: gloves/mittens; hats; heavy coats; sweaters; long underwear; heavy socks.
- Have nonperishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.
- If you are concerned about an individual living unsheltered, or in need, call 2-1-1 a resource line that can help connect an individual to resources. When the 2-1-1 line isn’t open, the 24-hour Crisis Line 866-427-4747 can provide information that the City provides on warming shelters, similar to how they do for sheltering information for people experiencing homelessness. If it is an emergency, contact Seattle Police by calling 9-1-1. SPD has transport vans to take people to warming centers and shelters.
- If you see a downed power line, please keep a safe distance (at least 20 feet) and report it to (206) 684-3000. If it appears to be sparking or smoking, call 911. Thanks for your help in spreading the word. Learn more here: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/whenpowerout.asp.
- Never use a grill, charcoal, or generator indoors, in garages, or in carports. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly.
February 11, 9:00 A.M.
The City continues to work to limit the impact of winter weather on residents and ensure access to critical services. The City is closely monitoring National Weather Service forecasts and preparing for additional snow during the day. The City re-activated its Emergency Operations Center today at 5 a.m.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: SDOT crews continue to plow, working back to back 12-hour shifts. SDOT currently has 35 snow and ice fighting trucks roving Seattle’s major streets and roadways. Plow crews continue to prioritize keeping Gold and Emerald routes clear. A flusher truck is covering city-wide elevated structure and frost prone areas. Smaller, more mobile trucks are addressing trouble spots, and streets near schools. In addition, two SDOT tree crews are on duty and available within the City for calls related to downed or hazardous trees through the night shift. No outstanding tree calls currently. Street closure inspection and reporting teams are also on a 12-hour shift and continue checking the status of street closure signs. Check out the City’s Winter Weather Response Map to locate SDOT’s snow and ice routes. And be sure to take a peek at the interactive Winter Weather Snow and Ice Service Map to monitor treatment status of snow routes and lanes.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle has extended the Severe Weather Shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall through Sunday night, February 17. 160 people stayed at the shelter overnight on Sunday, February 10th. HSD and Mary’s Place partnered to open a downtown emergency shelter for families which will remain open through the storms this week. Please call the King County Coordinated Family Intake Line at 206-245-1026 for access or drop in at 312 Dexter Ave N. This space is open for 24 hours per day. The Department of Parks and Recreation and HSD have also opened a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children and others at Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry Street) through Wednesday morning, February 13th. 120 individuals stayed at the Garfield Community Center Sunday evening. This space is open 24 hours a day. Seattle’s City Hall shelter (600 4th Ave) hosted 100 people on Sunday, February 10th. King County’s Department of Community and Human Services served 108 people last night at the King County Administration Building (500 4th Ave) and the Day Center at 4th and Jefferson downtown. Both facilities are open all day to act as warming centers. The Navigation Team was out overnight checking on people living unsheltered and helped over 67 people travel to shelter last night and made 147 contacts. They also distributed gloves, hats, socks and food to those not wanting to come inside. In addition, staff are checking in with high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients through the weekend to ensure their safety.
Seattle Center: Seattle Center Armory will operate on a normal schedule today, 7am-9pm. Seattle Center Monorail has a delayed service start of 10:30am/11am. Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) is opening at 12 noon . Seattle. Children’s Theatre has canceled drama classes for today. Pacific Science Center has canceled all Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center programs. Otherwise, PSC will maintain normal hours.
Customer Service Centers: All customer service centers will open today. The University Customer Service Center will close for lunch.
Seattle Public Libraries: Please visit www.spl.org for operating hours at your nearby branch.
Seattle Public Utilities: Due to significant remaining snow and ice on residential streets, residential solid waste services are not running today, Monday, February 11. Contractors will attempt to run expanded commercial and multi-family routes today if arterial access and roads allow. Contractors were able to service some urgent large accounts, like hospitals, on Sunday, as well as downtown alleys with bagged waste. If conditions improve, crews will attempt to pick up Monday customers’ garbage, recycling and yard/food waste on Tuesday. If conditions are not safe on Tuesday, with another storm coming, then Monday customers, missed last week, will be prioritized later in the week. Both SPU transfer stations will be open at 10am today and staff are ready to receive drop-offs of garbage, recyclables and yard/food waste. For more information, please visit: https://atyourservice.seattle.gov/2019/02/06/solid-waste-collection-resumes-feb-6/.
Seattle City Light: Crews are standing by to respond to outages. There are only two customers outages at this time. Please be patient as our crews may be impacted by adverse road conditions. If you see a downed line, keep your distance and report it at 206-684-3000 or 911. You can learn more information about how to stay safe and warm here and also track system outages with this map. Follow Seattle City Light on twitter for tips and updates @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Seattle Parks & Recreation programs and school age programs are canceled. The Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry Street) has been opened as a warming and overnight emergency shelter for families with children, and people living in vehicles. Adults are welcome at this facility as well. This shelter will operate 24 hours a day through Tuesday morning, February 12th. Click here for more information and other severe weather resources from the Seattle Human Services Department. Parks are open; however, we encourage visitors to use caution. Snow and ice can cause tree branches to snap. Please stay out from under trees and avoid forested park areas during the current weather conditions.
Office of Housing: The Public Meeting on the Draft Ft. Lawton Redevelopment Plan scheduled for Monday, February 11, 2019, at the Catherine Blaine School at 2550 34th Ave W in Magnolia from 5:30 to 8:30 PM is cancelled. The meeting will be rescheduled. Details of the date, time and location of the rescheduled Draft Ft. Lawton Redevelopment Plan Public Meeting will be posted on the Office of Housing Website, Facebook and Twitter. Send an email with subject “Ft. Lawton” to Housing@Seattle.gov to receive email updates.
Office for Civil Rights: Seattle Office for Civil Rights expects to offer walk-in office hours for customers on its alternative schedule of 9 am-12 pm and 1 pm-4 pm.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools are closed today. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Fire Department: No current impacts to services provided to the public. All SFD apparatus are operating with chains on tires.
Seattle Municipal Courts: Seattle Municipal Court will be closed to the public today. They are planning to hold as scheduled the Monday in-custody arraignment calendar in King County Jail Courtroom 2.
City Council: The City Council has cancelled scheduled events today. In additional, legislative department offices will be closed.
General Winter Weather Tips for Residents:
- If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready: gloves/mittens; hats; heavy coats; sweaters; long underwear; heavy socks.
- Have nonperishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.
- If you are concerned about an individual living unsheltered, or in need, call 2-1-1 a resource line that can help connect an individual to resources. When the 2-1-1 line isn’t open, the 24-hour Crisis Line 866-427-4747 can provide information that the City provides on warming shelters, similar to how they do for sheltering information for people experiencing homelessness. If it is an emergency, contact Seattle Police by calling 9-1-1. SPD has transport vans to take people to warming centers and shelters.
- If you see a downed power line, please keep a safe distance (at least 20 feet) and report it to (206) 684-3000. If it appears to be sparking or smoking, call 911. Thanks for your help in spreading the word. Learn more here: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/whenpowerout.asp.
- Never use a grill, charcoal, or generator indoors, in garages, or in carports. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly.
February 10, 4:00 P.M.
The City continues to work to limit the impact of winter weather on residents and access to services. The City is preparing for an additional 1-3 inches of snow today, and monitoring National Weather Service forecasts for the potential of additional significant snow on Monday. The City will re-activate its Emergency Operations Center at 5 a.m. on Monday, February 11.
Residents are encouraged to sign up forAlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: SDOT Snow Crews continue to operate two 12-hour shifts. Currently there are 34 snow vehicles out roving Seattle’s major arterials with plows, salt spreaders, and de-icer trucks servicing snow and ice routes. Fourteen hand crews are out responding to sidewalk issues in Downtown and Center City areas. The most high-priority arterials are in fair to good condition with mostly slushy pavement conditions. Our goal is prevent ice build up, with an ultimate goal of achieving “bare and wet” pavement conditions. Crews are working hard to achieve this goal. Check out the City’s Winter Weather Response Map to locate SDOT’s snow and ice routes. And be sure to take a peek at the interactive Winter Weather Snow and Ice Service Map to monitor treatment status of snow routes and lanes. Afternoon crews will focus on maintaining bare and wet pavement conditions.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle has extended the Severe Weather Shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall through Sunday night, February 17. 184 people stayed at the shelter overnight on Saturday, February 9th. HSD and Mary’s Place partnered to open a downtown emergency shelter for families on Friday, February 8th. Please call the King County Coordinated Family Intake Line at 206-245-1026 for access. This space is open for 24 hours per day. The Department of Parks and Recreation and HSD have also opened a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children and others at Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry Street) through Tuesday morning, February 12th. 53 individuals stayed at the Garfield Community Center Saturday evening. Seattle King County Public Health Reserve Core will be at the shelter from 8:00 am through 8:00 pm on Sunday. This space is open 24 hours a day. Seattle’s City Hall shelter (600 4th Ave) hosted 142 people on Saturday, February 9th. King County’s Department of Community and Human Services served 89 people last night at the King County Administration Building (500 4th Ave) and the Day Center at 4th and Jefferson downtown. Both facilities are open all day to act as warming centers. There is additional space for people to stay at Garfield Community Center, City Hall shelter, the King County Administration Building and the Day Center at 4th and Jefferson and people are encouraged to go to these shelters if they need a place to stay and warm up. The Navigation Team was out overnight checking on people living unsheltered and helped over 50 people travel to shelter last night and made 124 contacts. They began performing outreach at 10:00 am on Sunday and will work until midnighthelping people move inside for the night. In addition, staff are checking in with high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients through the weekend to ensure their safety.
Seattle Center: The Seattle Center Armory is operating on a normal schedule today, 7am-9pm. Seattle Center Monorail is closed today. The Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) and Pacific Science Center opened at 12 noon. Scheduled performances at Pacific Northwest Ballet, Seattle Children’s Theatre and Seattle Repertory Theatre are taking place. Chihuly Garden and Glass and the Space Needle are operating on normal schedules today.
Seattle Public Libraries: The Library is operating on a limited schedule Sunday. The Central Library is open until 5 p.m. The following locations are open until 5 p.m.: Ballard, Beacon Hill, Broadview, Capitol Hill, Columbia, Douglass-Truth, Green Lake, Greenwood, High Point, Lake City, NewHolly, Northgate, Queen Anne, Rainier Beach, South Park, Southwest, University and Wallingford branches. The following branches are closed for the day: Delridge, Fremont, International District/Chinatown, Madrona, Magnolia, Montlake, Northeast and West Seattle branches. You can find a full list of impacts at www.spl.org.
Seattle Public Utilities: Solid waste collection is dependent on safe road and weather conditions for our drivers. Solid waste contractors will run minimum trucks Sunday to service urgent sites like hospitals. Seattle Public Utilities is closely watching the forecast to determine whether crews can safely handle pickups and will notify customers of any delays. SPU will work on make-up collection as soon as possible. SPU crews are also supporting SDOT crews. For more information, please visit: https://atyourservice.seattle.gov/2019/02/06/solid-waste-collection-resumes-feb-6/.
Seattle City Light: Crews are standing by to respond to outages. Please be patient as our crews may be impacted by adverse road conditions. If you see a downed line, keep your distance and report it at 206-684-3000 or 911. You can learn more information about how to stay safe and warm here and also track system outages with this map. Follow Seattle City Light on twitter for tips and updates @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Many Seattle Parks and Recreation programs and facilities will be impacted by inclement weather on Sunday, Feb. 10. Please check back here and on their Twitter page for regular updates. TheGarfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry Street) has been opened as a warming and overnight emergency shelter for families with children, and people living in vehicles. Adults are welcome at this facility as well. This shelter will operate 24 hours a day through the morning of Monday, February 11. Click here for more information and other severe weather resources from the Seattle Human Services Department. Parks are open; however, we encourage visitors to use caution. Snow and ice can cause tree branches to snap. Please stay out from under trees and avoid forested park areas during the current weather conditions.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools are closed today. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Fire Department: No current impacts to services provided to the public. All SFD apparatus are operating with chains on tires.
Seattle Municipal Courts: The court has no scheduled activities today.
City Council: The City Council has no scheduled activities today.
General Winter Weather Tips for Residents:
- If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready: gloves/mittens; hats; heavy coats; sweaters; long underwear; heavy socks.
- Have nonperishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.
- If you are concerned about an individual living unsheltered, or in need, call 2-1-1 a resource line that can help connect an individual to resources. When the 2-1-1 line isn’t open, the 24-hour Crisis Line 866-427-4747 can provide information that the City provides on warming shelters, similar to how they do for sheltering information for people experiencing homelessness. If it is an emergency, contact Seattle Police by calling 9-1-1. SPD has transport vans to take people to warming centers and shelters.
- If you see a downed power line, please keep a safe distance (at least 20 feet) and report it to (206) 684-3000. If it appears to be sparking or smoking, call 911. Thanks for your help in spreading the word. Learnmore here: http://www.seattle.gov/light/sysstat/whenpowerout.asp.
- Never use a grill, charcoal, or generator indoors, in garages, or in carports. Carbon monoxide poisoning can be deadly.
February 9, 10:45 A.M.
The City continues to work to limit the impact of this winter storm on residents and access to services. The City is preparing for additional 1-3 inches of snow throughout today, and monitoring forecasts for the potential of additional snow ahead of Monday morning’s commute.
If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive over the weekend. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: SDOT Snow Crews continue to operate two 12-hour shifts. Currently there are 34 snow vehicles out roving Seattle’s major arterials with plows, salt spreaders, and de-icer trucks servicing snow and ice routes. Fourteen hand crews are out responding to sidewalk issues in Downtown and Center City areas. The most high-priority arterials are in fair to good condition with mostly slushy pavement conditions. Our goal is prevent ice build up, with an ultimate goal of achieving “bare and wet” pavement conditions. Crews are working hard to achieve this goal. Check out the City’s Winter Weather Response Map to locate SDOT’s snow and ice routes. And be sure to take a peek at the interactive Winter Weather Snow and Ice Service Map to monitor treatment status of snow routes and lanes. Afternoon crews will focus on maintaining bare and wet pavement conditions.
Customer Service Centers: The four Customer Service Centers that are normally open on Saturdays – Central, Lake City, Southeast and University – will be closed today.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle is extending the Severe Weather Shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall through Sunday night, February 17. The Human Services Department partnered with Mary’s Place to open a downtown emergency shelter for families. The Human Services Department and the Department of Parks and Recreation have also opened a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children at Garfield Community Center through Monday morning, February 11. Approximately 270 people sheltered overnight at four locations: Seattle Center Exhibition Hall, Garfield Community Center, Seattle City Hall, and King County Administration Building. The City’s Navigation Team was out until 5 a.m. this morning. The team made 35 contacts and transported 18 people to shelter. Staff are checking in with high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients through the weekend to ensure their safety. Mary’s place is open to families in need of shelter. Families should call 206-245-1026.
Seattle Center: The Seattle Center Armory will operate on a normal schedule today, 7am-10pm. Seattle Center Monorail is closed today. The Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) is closed today. The Pacific Northwest Ballet has canceled dance classes for today and tomorrow. All weekend performances of The Sleeping Beauty performances are scheduled to take place. The Pacific Science Center is closed today, and the Seattle Children’s Theatre has canceled the 1pm performances of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. The Seattle Repertory Theatre has canceled the Saturday matinee performance of Last of the Boys. Chihuly Garden and Glass and the Space Needle will open at noon today.
Seattle Public Libraries: Due to weather and road conditions, all branches are closed today. For more information and updates, please visit: www.spl.org.
Seattle Public Utilities: Solid waste collection is dependent on safe road and weather conditions for our drivers. Due to challenging road conditions, garbage, recycling, and good-yard waste collection is cancelled today. Seattle Public Utilities is closely watching the forecast to determine whether crews can safely handle pickups and will notify customers of any delays. SPU will work on make-up collection as soon as possible. In addition, the North Transfer Station is closed but the South Transfer Station will open at 10 am. SPU crews are also supporting SDOT crews. For more information, please visit: https://atyourservice.seattle.gov/2019/02/06/solid-waste-collection-resumes-feb-6/.
Seattle City Light: Crews are standing by to respond to outages and as of 8 am are responding to outages for approximately 650 customers. Please be patient as our crews may be impacted by adverse road conditions. If you see a downed line, keep your distance and report it at 206-684-3000 or 911. You can learn more information about how to stay safe and warm here and also track system outages with this map. Follow Seattle City Light on twitter for tips and updates @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Many Seattle Parks and Recreation programs and facilities will be impacted by inclement weather today. Please check back here and on their Twitter page for regular updates. The Garfield Community Center (2323 E. Cherry Street) has been opened as a warming and overnight emergency shelter for families with children, and people living in vehicles. Adults are welcome at this facility as well. This shelter will operate 24 hours a day through the morning of Monday, February 11. Click here for more information and other severe weather resources from the Seattle Human Services Department. Overview of Seattle Parks and Recreation program and facility impacts for Saturday, February 9:
- Recreation Programs: All recreation and aquatics programs, including registered programs, are canceled.
- Community Centers: The following community centers are open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. for drop-in use: Loyal Heights, Magnolia, Green Lake, Bitter Lake, Montlake, Northgate, Meadowbrook, Van Asselt, Rainier Beach, and High Point community centers. Garfield Community Center is open for drop-in use and is open 24/7 as a warming and overnight emergency shelter.
- Pools: Meadowbrook Pool and Rainier Beach Pool are scheduled to operate on a modified schedule for drop-in use from noon to 2:30 p.m. Please call the pool before visiting to confirm hours.
- Rentals: All Recreation facility rentals are canceled.
- Teen Life Centers: All Teen Life Centers are closed.
- Youth Basketball: All youth basketball games and practices are canceled Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Youth basketball games will be rescheduled the weekend of February 16 & 17.
- Small Craft Centers: The Mount Baker Rowing and Sailing Center and the Green Lake Small Craft Center is closed.
- Amy Yee Tennis Center: The Amy Yee Tennis Center is closed and all programs are canceled.
- Athletic Fields: Athletic field rentals/games are canceled. Some fields are open for winter play.
- Golf Courses: All golf courses are closed. Courses are open to non-motorized winter recreation (please keep off putting greens and away from environmentally sensitive areas near the creeks at Jackson and West Seattle).
Parks are open; however, we encourage visitors to use caution. Snow and ice can cause tree branches to snap. Please stay out from under trees and avoid forested park areas during the current weather conditions.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools are closed today. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Fire Department: No current impacts to services provided to the public. All SFD apparatus are operating with chains on tires.
Seattle Municipal Courts: The court is scheduled to hold the in-custody arraignment calendar on Saturday, February 9.
City Council: The City Council has no scheduled events today.
General Winter Weather Tips for Residents:
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready: gloves/mittens; hats; heavy coats; sweaters; long underwear; heavy socks.
- Have nonperishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.
February 8, 12:30 P.M.
The City of Seattle government is open today but some departments will be impacted by the incoming winter weather system, which is likely to pick up in intensity this afternoon. The City is preparing for up to 12 inches of snow and possible 45 mph winds with additional possible snow storms occurring over the next 10 days.
Many City departments are operating with limited staff or have adjusted their counter hours. Please contact a department directly to confirm hours have not changed before traveling to a customer service location.
If you can possibly avoid it, do not drive today or over the weekend. If you must drive, please take your time, slow down, leave lots of room, and stay safe. Prepare your car with emergency supplies and chains or other traction devices. Remember bridges and raised roadways are likely to be icy, even when the roads are not.
Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications.
Seattle Department of Transportation: Crews are working 24/7 to prepare the City’s most critical roadways. Crews are working non-stop in back-to-back 12-hour shifts to pre-treat and plow our critical streets. We have over 35 plows and trucks clearing streets per shift and 15 crews responding to sidewalk issues. Over 1,100 lane-miles of roads have been pre-treated and plow crews are standing by through the weekend. View the interactive Winter Weather Response Map and know safe routes from the Winter Weather snow and ice route map.
Customer Service Bureau: The Customer Service Bureau at Seattle City Hall opened this morning at 8:00 a.m. All customer service centers will be open for normal business hours, expect for the Southwest Customer Service Center, which will close at 2 p.m. today.
City Council: Council President Harrell has called a Special Meeting for Monday, February 11, at 11:00 a.m. in place of the regularly scheduled Council Briefing to provide participants and attendees adequate time to travel to City Hall due to anticipated weather impacts.
Human Services Department: The City of Seattle is extending the severe weather shelter at the Seattle Center Exhibition Hall through Sunday night, February 17. The Human Services Department will partner with Mary’s Place to open a downtown emergency shelter for families – check back here for updates. The Human Services Department and the Department of Parks and Recreation are opening a 24-hour warming shelter for families with children at Garfield Community Center through Monday morning, February 11. Staff are checking in with high-risk Aging and Disability Services clients through the weekend to ensure their safety.
Seattle Center: Seattle Center Armory will operate on a normal schedule today, 7 a.m. – 10 p.m. Seattle Center Monorail will close two hours early today, at 6 p.m. The Museum of Popular Culture (MoPOP) and Pacific Science Center will close at 2 p.m. today and the Seattle Children’s Theatre has cancelled daytime and evening performances today.
Seattle Public Libraries: Twelve library locations will open on a limited schedule and close at 1:00 p.m. due to inclement weather. All other branches will be closed for the day and holds and fines will be adjusted to ensure these closures don’t negatively impact patrons. You can find a full list of closures at www.spl.org.
Seattle Public Utilities: Solid waste collection is dependent on safe road and weather conditions for our drivers. Afternoon road conditions could limit residential route completions for solid waste collection today. Seattle Public Utilities is closely watching the forecast to determine whether crews can safely handle pickups and will notify customers of any delays. In the event of a missed collection, SPU will work on make-up collection as soon as possible.
Seattle Preschool Program: Preschools at Seattle Public Schools sites will close early per SPS early release notification. For community-based preschool sites, follow your preschools inclement weather policy.
Seattle Municipal Courts: The court will close to the public at 1 p.m. this afternoon and is scheduled to hold the in-custody arraignment calendar on Saturday, February 9.
Seattle City Light: Crews are standing by to respond to outages. Please be patient as our crews may be impacted by adverse road conditions. If you see a downed line, keep your distance and report it at 206-684-3000 or 911. You can learn more information about how to stay safe and warm here and also track system outages with this map. Follow Seattle City Light on twitter for tips and updates @SEACityLight.
Seattle Parks and Recreation: Seattle community centers and pools will be closing early today at 3 p.m. Warming centers will be opened in the event of power outages.
Here’s what you can do to prepare:
- Keep warm winter clothing at the ready:
- Gloves/Mittens
- Hats
- Heavy coats
- Sweaters
- Long Underwear
- Heavy socks
- Have nonperishable food on hand that does not need to be heated.
- Make sure you have adequate propane/charcoal briquettes for barbeques/camping stoves that can be used to heat food outdoors. To avoid carbon monoxide poisoning, keep electric generators and barbecue grills outdoors and away from your house or apartment.
- Keep water dripping from faucets so pipes don’t freeze.