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Posts categorized under Anthony Derrick, Author at Office of the Mayor - Page 29 of 34

Seattle’s Innovation Advisory Council

Seattle has always been the city that invents the future. We were the jumping off point for the gold rush. We pretty much invented commercial air travel, and then re-invented it by letting people book online. We were the birthplace of the personal computer revolution, and now are pioneering cloud… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Jenny Durkan Applauds City Council for Confirming Saad Bashir as the City of Seattle’s Next Permanent Chief Technology Officer

SEATTLE (March 18, 2019) – Mayor Jenny A. Durkan released the below statement following the successful 9-0 vote by Seattle City Council to confirm her nominee Saad Bashir to lead the Seattle Information Technology (IT) Department as the City of Seattle’s next Chief Technology Officer: “We are so happy Saad… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Jenny Durkan Applauds City Council’s Passage of the Mandatory Housing Affordability Legislation

SEATTLE (March 18, 2019) – Mayor Jenny A. Durkan issued the following statement after the Seattle City Council’s unanimous 9-0 vote to adopt Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA), implementing affordable housing requirements and increasing density in 27 neighborhoods throughout Seattle:  “Today, Seattle took a big step toward more affordable housing choices and a more affordable, welcoming city for all. I… [ Keep reading ]

To Advance Equity and Opportunity, Mayor Jenny Durkan Announces “Libraries for All” Plan to Renew and Expand Investments in The Seattle Public Library

If Enacted, Proposal Would Maintain Current Services, Expand Hours, Eliminate Fines, Help Close Digital Divide, and Make Seismic Retrofits SEATTLE (March 13, 2019) – To advance equity, education, and opportunity in Seattle, Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced a “Libraries for All” plan to renew and expand investments in The Seattle… [ Keep reading ]

Mayor Jenny Durkan’s 2019 State of the City Address

At a time that Seattle is literally under construction, Mayor Jenny Durkan laid out her vision to build a an affordable, inclusive City of the future. Speaking to students and community members at North Seattle College, Mayor Durkan affirmed her commitment to addressing Seattle’s housing and homelessness crisis, building economic… [ Keep reading ]

February Was Seattle’s Snowiest Month in 50 Years. Here’s How the City Responded.

This month, the City of Seattle faced some of the most extreme winter weather our region has ever seen. Seattle receives an average of 5.9 inches of snow each winter – this year, we got 20.2 inches in the first 11 days of February. Our City hasn’t seen this much… [ Keep reading ]

City of Seattle Snow & Ice Response, February 8th – 13th

UPDATE: February 13, 1:00 P.M. The City continues to work to limit the impact of winter weather on residents and ensure access to critical services, please review the list of departments below for information on operations modifications. Residents are encouraged to sign up for AlertSeattle for updates and emergency notifications…. [ Keep reading ]

Update 1: Navigation Team App 2.0

Overview Improving the Nav Team app to include robust functionality for better data collection and analysis for evaluation. Proposed Timeline Early in the process, the Navigation App 2.0 Project Team met to discuss scope and timeline. The following timeline has been established as a guideline for development and implementation of… [ Keep reading ]

Update 1: Homelessness Data Model

Overview The first phase of the Homelessness Data Model included goal setting and planning for the work that will be done by the University of Washington Information School Capstone students. Reporting on homeless investments with a data model solution will automate a manual process and create a connection between input… [ Keep reading ]

Update 1: Affordable Housing Search

Overview Creating a centralized way to locate available affordable housing, listing a platform for the Housing Connector focusing on people experiencing homelessness and seeking housing through the homelessness system. Proposed Timeline Phase 1 (January – March): Plan Understand scenarios and data availability Design product and architecture Marketing/outreach planning Phase 2… [ Keep reading ]