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Mayor Durkan Announces Search Committee Members for Seattle City Light Leader

Seattle (February 1) – Mayor Jenny A. Durkan announced the members of the committee to select a new leader at Seattle City Light. Committee members will assist in a national search process to find the best candidate.

“The new head of Seattle City Light must lead one of the nation’s largest public utilities that is critical to the day-to-day operations of this city, ensuring the delivery of power to hundreds of thousands of businesses and residents. Just as importantly, the CEO of Seattle City Light will need to ensure the utility is a leading customer service provider and oversees a healthy workplace culture,” said Mayor Durkan. “With a federal administration that seems set on moving backwards on issues of climate and clean energy, it will be up to cities – and major public energy utilities like Seattle City Light – to lead the way and provide an example for the rest of the world.”

The 22-member SCL search committee is comprised of a mix of business, labor, non-profit, and community leaders, many with experience in clean energy and environmental justice.

Members include:

  • Co-Chair: Eileen Quigley, Clean Energy Transitions
  • Co-Chair: Sharon Nelson, Former Director of Washington State Utilities & Transportation Commission
  • Co-Chair: Cal Shirley, Former Puget Sound Energy Executive
  • Sung Yang, Pacific Public Affairs
  • Michael Mann, CEO Cyan Strategies
  • Andrew Lofton, CEO Seattle Housing Authority
  • Matt Lyons, GM, NuCor
  • Stan Price, Executive Director, NW Energy Efficiency Council
  • Ash Awad, Vice President, McKinstry
  • Steve Kovac, IBEW 77
  • Edwin Wanji, Sphere Solar Energy
  • Mike Radice, Greenwood Hardware
  • Nancy Hirsh, NW Energy Coalition
  • Gail Labranara, SCL Review Panel Member
  • Doreen Boehm, Utility Discount Program Client
  • Marc Daudon, Executive Board, Energy Northwest
  • Jill Mackie, Senior VP, Vigor
  • Denis Hayes, Executive Director, Bullitt Foundation
  • Dennis McClerran, Former Region 10 EPA Head
  • Sue Taoka, Executive VP, Craft3
  • Ali Rodol, Former Longtime SCL Employee
  • Chris Roe, Energy Procurement Manager, Amazon

The Search Committee will hold its first meeting in late February. The search for a new General Manager and CEO will include an extensive community outreach process during early 2018 and will seek to identify a leader who will continue to deliver on Seattle City Light’s goal to exceed customers’ expectations in producing and delivering environmentally responsible, safe, affordable and reliable power. After conducting interviews with applicants, the Search Committee will submit their recommendations to Mayor Durkan.
